viernes, 7 de marzo de 2008

Dorian Gray

Hi people,

As we read the book called "The picture of Dorian Gray" I made a little sumary about the story:

Basil was a paintor who wanted to paint his best friend, Dorian. The picture was perfect, the best that Basil had ever done. When Dorian saw the picture, he became very surprised because of the perfection of the painting. A while ago, Lord Henry had told him that youth was the most important thing in life. So, Dorian was worried because he would become ugly, but the pircute not. Basil gave Dorian the picture, and he realised that his paint was becoming older but he was young.
Dorian found a very pretty woman, who was an actress. Her name was Sybil Vane. They both wanted to marry but during a play of Romeo and Juliet, she didn’t sing very well because she was ill. Doriant left Sybil because he stated that Sybil wasn’t an actress. As a result, Sybil killed herself and the picutre of Dorian Gray became ugly. One night, Basil wanted to see his best painting, but when he saw it, he became horrified because of Dorian’s face. Dorian was young, but his picture was quite ugly. Dorian became so furious and killed his friend Basil. Durig a hunting trip someone killed Sybil’s brother, who wanted to kill Dorian. Now Dorian was a murderer. For his fault, Sybil, Basil and Sybil’s brother had died. Finally he decided to destroy the picture, and, as a result, he died.

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